Monday, October 26, 2015

It's so hot in Lausanne city, so hot in Lausanne town...

It's been a week y'all! Let me explain:

No, is too much. Let me sum up: Tuesday we went to Gex and did an hour-long exchange so that Elder Walters and Elder Jenkins could teach a lesson (that never ended up happening) and Elder Stephens and I could put up English class flyers at bus stops. We put up two flyers and promptly got lost, but we had a good time learning about each other's lives as we walked for the entire hour trying to get back to Gex!

Wednesday we put up English class flyers at bus stops in St. Genis sector, which meant riding our bikes all the way to Val-Thoiry. It wasn't really that bad, but it was warmer than normal and I'm not used to riding bikes anymore. We talked to an old Protestant lady who wasn't interested and accidentally went off roading testing out a path that did eventually lead back to our house, straight through the middle of nowhere.

Thursday we had zone training! We did that in the Geneva Institute and had hamburgers for lunch. Super awesome. We learned some new ways to contact and discussed teaching super super simply so that our amis (investigators) will understand everything and feel the Spirit. Great advice!

Friday relates to the title of this email: We went to Lausanne! We found out a few weeks ago that there would be a special conference in Lausanne for Geneva and Lausanne zones, so we got to go! Sister Linda K. Burton, the General Relief Society President, was speaking so we all got to meet her and her husband as well as Elder and Sister Holmer (Area Seventy). It was awesome! She focused a lot on unity and truly aligning our will with God's because this is His work. Also, be bold! Nowhere in the Bible or the Book of Mormon does it say, "If you have time, you could maybe go out and try to talk to a few people about church, but if you don't feel like it that's fine." NO! It says:

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."  -Matthew 28:19-20

There you have it folks! Don't be selfish with the Gospel! If you have such a wonderful gift, share it with people!

Il est le chef,

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