Monday, March 13, 2017

My name is Elder John Rogers

No, I don't sleep in until 11 am or do nothing all day. If you remember from The Best Two Years, Elder Rogers almost had less months than Elder Calhoun had years. I take that to mean that Elder Rogers had 3 months left, or about two transfers. I also am in my 15th transfer, it's super weird.

Today was pretty chill, we went to the mall and then played volleyball in a park downtown. Nothing much to report, volleyball was just super fun :) it's been craaaazy warm lately, même pas besoin d'a sweater on certain days.

Last week was fun! We tried to go drop off a surprise letter to our recent convert who lives out in a teeny town outside Grenoble. We took a bus there and tried to find his house by walking up a long hill forever, but it turns out he lived way down at the bottom where we started and we just didn't see it. Finally we found his mailbox but still never found the front door. That should tell you a little something about French architecture 😒

On Saturday the Sœurs had a baptism! It was really nice :) the woman that got baptized was actually a friend of a couple from Mulhouse who have a son serving in our mission. I've met him once or twice, kind of fun to meet his parents :)

We met a less-active from Tahiti (question mark, he's white and French but lived on Raiatea for a while/grew up there? I'm still not sure) and hopefully he'll be coming back to church soon :)


Our friend Richard we met at the Chinese shop back in January and we've been playing cards with him for a few weeks now. We've also done a chapel tour and the first three lessons with him, he's really thoughtful and asks such good questions. Honestly that's my experience with Chinese amis, they ask ridiculously good, insightful questions. He's really humble and funny and I just want him to get baptized so he can have the best life possible. Yes he's happy already, but the Gospel offers potential growth and joy beyond your wildest dreams, and who wouldn't want that? He also says our Chinese is really good which is totally a lie but he's just super nice.

Here's an interesting thought, taken from D&C 101:7-8:

"They were slow to hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; therefore, the Lord their God is slow to hearken unto their prayers, to answer them in the day of their trouble.

In the day of their peace they esteemed lightly my counsel; but, in the day of their trouble, of necessity they feel after me."

Verse 8 was cited by a member during the priesthood lesson on Sunday, and I liked verse 7 as well when I read it tout à l'heure. How many times do we (read: I) think, "I really need to get up and get working" and then don't? It happens to me more than it should. I'm partially stealing from the train of thought of another missionary whose letter I read today, but indecision is itself a decision! There is no lukewarmity to God! We all know how to tell between right and wrong, but how quick are we to act on that knowledge? There's a reason little kids at church run around with rings that say "Choose the Right" on them. It's because it's sooooo important, and it's so important to do it as quickly as possible. Sorry if I'm rambling a little bit, but I hope you pulled something out of this that you can apply to your life :)

Love y'all!


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